Astrology - Aries Ego
Fools Two - April Aries EGO Astrology 2022
The fool in the tarot card deck… to some looks like he is about to step off the cliff and fall a huge height, but does the free spirited fool traveller actually have a trick up his sleeve…perhaps the wise traveller knows or trusts the universe will have his back and to our very eyes, would you have it, beneath his next step there is a ledge to catch him…his next step…
There are two new moons this month, nope this is not an April fools…
and also there is another surprise the second new moon this month is a partial solar eclipse
so what does this mean…. well we have two sister circles this month…just to help kickstart spring summer months even more…so we really can thank the stars…
but lets take a deeper look at what meaning and tips astrology has in store for us this month:
Aprils new moon is in the sign of Aries the first sign of the astrological calendar…so it really does seem like new beginnings are happening all the time, January western calendar new year, Feb Chinese lunar new year, march beginning of spring and April beginning of the astrological calendar.
Aries is a fire sign, fire represents transformation, responsibilities, will power, individual footprint and commitments. It is associated with the sense of self, ‘I am’, identity, ego. Independence. Anger. Passion. Work. Doing vs Being.
Perhaps like the fool we can’t see the next step, but we can feel the lightness of the new beginning, and know the next step will be shown, just as it has been shown before…
Easter 2022 happens to fall in the sign of Aries…but not too worry, Aries is taking it easy on us this month, or for those of us who have done the work at least….so don’t worry it won’t be all me me me, we can welcome a healthy ego and assured true sense of self as we continue into the Aquarian Age of Awareness!
The way forward this month seems to be to continue to integrate the previous vulnerable (limitations) yet perhaps over compensated parts of ourselves, bringing them along for the journey with heart and new found wisdom, so don’t be leaving them behind. Or if we choose to be on ‘the path’/’your soul path’, perhaps we can’t leave them behind this month as we are pushed to choose self-discipline and become a true disciple as our astrology ‘guru’ Kaypacha over at ‘astrology for the soul’ tells us…
Look out for what arises from the Aries fire energy this month… what is stirred and brought to the surface for your attention? If you don’t know where to look, look to your anger and your frustrations, or to where you hold your grib of control just a little too tight…. Astrologer Molly Mcord, talks about how this energy shouldn’t be a new surprise, if you do your inner work, you will have seen this energy before, and will be aware of these patterns within so you know how to flow with it…She specifically mentions June/July 2021 as the time when it might have stirred up before, along with mentioning we should expect a RELEASE to happen on Tuesday 12th April. Kaypacha also notes that some clearing as part of the wounded healer from Chiron, is also present this month, to clear emotional ties and bonds from past lives. From my intepretation of The Way of the Rose, Molly McCord and Kaypacha here are a couple of great questions to deal with this energy:
We can ask ourselves:
What do we want, what is feeling too much to ask for and what is showing up for us that we are feeling too unworthy to ask for?
What that is temporary are we clinging onto…where do we feel betrayal and loss that can be not surrendered…
What ever your discipline…walking, meditating, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, etc, tune in and listen to your own inner voice for your inner direction.
Kaypacha sites from his astrology bible book…the meaning of the symbol for this month means:
Focus and accept our limitations to “live a centered life”. (see our sister circle article for elaboration here on this concept).
‘Ego sets boundaries and gives a specific character to the consciousness. Within these boundaries a complex interplay links and integrates various aspects of personal life can operate constructively. In time these ego boundaries can expand and become a zone of intense interchange, between the inner and outer, the individual and community, and between each us and the universe.
Like….good fences make good neighbours, stronger we know ourselves, the more we contain ourselves, the more intense interactions can be with others… more fulfilling and deep relationships, even though we are always moving on.
The first duty of any man or woman is to be truly what he or she is as an individual.’ See video Below.
This article is based on the following resources, please feel free to explore more: